For those who 'loves' to take AA would clearly understand how kuku-ly far LCCT is from the main highway and main terminal as well, 20km of Jalan Perkeliling ok???? Siao...
Okok back to the main story. The success of AA in becoming Asia's most bestest superb-est largest budget airline has, certainly, caused others to jelezzz and drink vinegar instead of water. In order to fight back a small piece of the budget airline cake, what do they do?? Set up a new budget but self-called 'community' airline lor.
Well, setting up new players in the market will only benefits the fellow flyers or those who never flown before. With competition among the players lagi bagus, even more cheaper air tickets for us! Happy or not?? Happy lar.
I personally am a person who dislike using dirty tactics, especially in doing businesses. What I saw today along Jalan Perkeliling toward LCCT was this.
Hmmmm.... how ah? Consider dirty or not although no harm done?? Still i dont like it. Moreover they get to use Subang Airport T3, which is like soooooo nearby only. Not fair right?? Tony F., i will support U max! hehe.
End of story --
Mum's here and hmm...
oppss...soli wrong channel ..;p
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