On this very fine and sunny Saturday, I woke up late in the afternoon, as usual. Bathed & brushed, switched on my lappy to check if any of my groupmates have sent me their files thru email, and none of them have!! I'm so gonna kill & fried them alive!!!! >.< Ah well, Saturday is The Laundry Day for me, so i hurried downstairs, thrown all my dirty cloths into the washing machine, and tidy up my room a bit while waiting.
Cloths are cleaned, but not dried. Normally i'll bring them to the self-service laundry to dry them up, instead of hanging them under the sun. For RM3.50 (5x50sen) and a 25 minutes of drying process, my cloths are as dry as... new? Haha. Quite worth the cost actually, for a lazy arse like me! hehe. So i got on my car, and drove to the laundry instead of walking under the killingly hot sun, althou it's quite near by. Wait a minute.... WTF? I'm drove?!
Yes, why not? Hahaha! See this? Ta daaaa~! This is my brand new baby! It's a Toyota Vios! *FU-YOH* not the one with full spec but doesnt matter as long as i'm *Happy happy!* Had lunch with a friend after i'm done with my laundry and he with his hair cut. New hair style, very charming indeed i must say! xD
After filling up my empty stomach (which i vomitted out half of the plate of mee after that due to my uncomfy stomach =.="), i paid a friendly visit to Miss Soya, who was working part time in the bookstore. See, i'm such a nice friend! hehehehe, NO!? Honestly, it's because i get to read FREEEEEEEE comics since she's working there. Hurray?! The picture shows the place that i always sit at, a corner of the bookstore, very cozy and homely feel. Got my private fan somemore! Hehe... Spent my rest of the day here, and got myself a butt ache, thou its FUR that i was sitting on. Doesnt matter, as long as i get to enjoy FREEEEEE comics. LOL~
Such a typical diary, so not me! Blekkkkkk~
" Make life 'better', instead of 'bitter' " --- Sis
Nahhhhhhhh, that's not my car actually. Was just dreaming to have one, hopefully soon! But i was really driving it, coz my friend had appointment with the hair stylist and couldnt find any parking spaces, and i had to get to the laundry! Killed 2 birds with 1 stone ey? Hehe.... Gotcha!!
BET BET...who said can read free? pls la..if my boss knw tht sure i going to get "fried"..stop to promote to ur friend ah...sei zai...
希望你一天比一天过的好。。。bro is always by ur side~!~!
i want free reading too!!
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