Monday, April 27, 2009

A lil bit of Blue

Going outstation tomorrow to 2 of my many territories, Raub & Kuantan. Feeling a bit reluctant this time no idea why. Maybe it's because I am still feeling new and unsecured bout this working environment & culture, or maybe it's due to the extra-early travel time at 5am tomorrow!!!

I see bricks of work stress floating on top of my head, falling down anytime & anywhere. Hooshhh~ go away!

I actually have something in mind to share, about somebody's belated birthday dinner & my ice-cream surprise. But too bad, last night was sleepless and I think I should rest now, for tomorrow, and beyond.


wayne said...

加油加油。。。 (作呕中)

Chris said...

not used to the new environment.
It's normal.. after awhile shud be ok..

FrederIck said...


Lilypie Next Birthday Ticker