Monday, July 19, 2010

An ABC Sunday

We started off the day very early in the morning, with a 'long' drive from Subang Jaya to Wangsa Melawati, and headed to a 'hidden' wet market in Bukit Bintang for some good local breakfast.

One of my favorites, Chee Cheong Fun with curry sauce, sweet sauce and chili sauce. We shared this portion. We also had roti bakar & Hainanese Tea, something like Yin Yong.

We drove around town and headed to PJ, lingered along LDP and ended up in Lakeside. Did a very personalized campus tour, accompanied by the lakeside breeze and morning sun.

After that, a crazy K-lunch session with the ladies, a sweaty workout & body combat class with Jerry, and ended the day with a rather lame movie with the ladies again. Oh about the lame Predator movie, my fault la! Hehe. xD

The above generally sums up my Sunday, an ABC Sunday, with everyone and everything in! :)

How was yours?


Danny said...

OMG !!! the curry ccf looks so delicious.. long time din eat liao.. now must find where can eat.. ( i mean near my place la ;p )

Alan C. said...

suk u go eat ur cereal and rabbit food lar!!!!

lock said...

u should watch "inception", it's marvelous and amazing!

Alan C. said...

yes i'm going to, after so many super positive feedbacks!

shereen said...

use to b my weekend breakfast plc for 2 years continuously.. the ccf uncle is my good fren who speaks fluently English

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