Monday, October 19, 2009

plain entry

about 3 hours ago after work
i went to the bank for a withdrawal
and bought myself 2 buns and a slice of cake
from the japanese style bakery i always go to
got home, hugged and played with bobby for a while
went to shower, came back into my room and had my buns
and a glass of milk in front of the laptop, just as usual
as for the slice of cake, it was for my mini self-celebration
guess what? i'm finally done with my 6 months of job probation
which means i'm officially attached to this company, my 2nd job

yeah, well
nothing special also lah i guess
i feel the same old me like nothing much happened
although i tought it worth a mini self-celebration
which i finished off the cake and half glass of milk myself
in my room in front of the laptop with bobby outside my door

and tomorrow
life and work goes on as usual
visiting schools and polishing people's shoes

haha yeah well
no photos no special expression nothing

just plain feeling,
plain entry.


Danny said...

congrats on ur confirmation :)
another reason for us to come out n eat K...LOL ;p

wayne said...

congrats.. pls celebrate with me when u get ur increment. i want a meal and a pillow.

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