Thursday, December 31, 2009

On the last day of 2009

Alan wishes you HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!!

I've yet set my resolutions. >.<
I've yet bought my CNY cloths. =.=
I've yet re-list my NY wish list. xD
But I've promised myself to start my financial management & plannings on the 1st day of 2010!
Else I think I'll forever paying my debts and owning nothing. Sad case.

Oh hello from KUANTAN by the way, again.

Will take my time to drive back to KL tomorrow, hoping to reach office in the evening and go home directly. Muahaha...

And I've got tons of Xmas photos to share, but ALL are still with YiiJian, SetLi, Wayne & Shawny. Sien~

That's all, see you all next year! Have a good one! :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


On the 3rd day before Xmas

my colleague gave to me...

5th pressie for this Xmas.
Something in Pavilion gift wrapper la but I dunno what it is inside.

Cant wait till Xmas a.k.a. unwrapping day! xD

Friday, December 18, 2009


身在安顺(Teluk Intan),外面的雨下到应该没有人会出门的,所以我和同事在这里闲着没事做,一个在看youtube,一个在这里讲LAN话。而且大家在放假,我在外坡公干,心理难免会少少不平衡的。

既然有的是时间,天气又有点冷(幻想冬天!!),iTunes又播着圣诞歌,不如来为南极那个老人写封信顺便附上张wish list,但愿心想市事成,如鱼得水。此行为幼稚到~~~~ 我知道,人家无聊嘛!*脚顿地*



你怎样do?(how do you do?)你老婆吕娜她呢?灵鹿们还拖得你动吗?


没什么啦,只是见大家许久未见(根本就没见过!),这又是你大摇大摆乱闯民居的月份,就来封小信慰问下你咯!就如志玲姐姐说的,我才不会忘记你呢~~! *舔上唇*


哈哈哈。。。 哈。。。 (掰不下去)

哦by the way,不提白不提啦,哈哈!我这一整年都很乖哦!换了比之前更有方向和素质的工作,到过了澳洲伯斯去增广见闻,认识了一班好人,做了很多好事等等。


1. 相机 - 如果没有DSLR的话,随便一架Canon Ixus就够了。我不贪心的,真的!!

2. 手机 - 这个嘛,我的k810都用了两年半了,左边一整排的按钮都按不到了,而且突然会关机,附带相机开始不清了。哦不需要iPhone或SE Satio啦,N97mini或任何同等的就好了,哈哈!:)

3. 手提电脑 - 我跟你讲这个,我很可怜的,一直以来都在私用公司的电脑。从Metro的用到Taylor's的,就因为我那架早已归西咯。你知道啦,我们年轻人血气方刚,好奇心重到不行,很多任务是公司电脑无法完成的。而且每个星期要clear cache和history很麻烦的!*脸红*

4. 卫星导向系统GPS - 做我们这行的,东奔西跑实在难免。每一次要去新地区前都得查询google maps一番或问朋友,西北麻烦。如果车子里装有GPS一台的话就不同讲咯!触碰几下银幕后地图和路线便马上清楚秀上,还有真人发音提醒你路向呢!省汽油又省时间。

5. 皮鞋 - 现在这双算是运动型的皮鞋,在formal的场合里是不能见人的。所以咯~

6. 西装外套 - 众所周知,我的体形与众不同。平时穿的要买到合身的已经不容易,西装外套就更困难。(只能定做,却不认识好的师傅)

7. 墨镜 - 路边摊的只有一个‘假’字,戴了轻微的是无法遮挡阳光,严重的可能会伤害视力。又所以咯~

8. SPA - 一直听闻做SPA有几享受几舒服。虽然我没有很稀罕它,不过有机会又免费的话谁不要?

9. 护发配套 - M字型的头,不只是侧田才有咯!发线上移已经不是一朝一日的事,但我却有心无力。我不要我不要我不要~~~

10. 车子 - 我的小灰越来越不听话了,而且无法驾长途。新车不必是什么外国车啦,随便一辆MyVi就很好了。

希望你看了以上的所有不会突然晕倒吐白泡,要快快恢复哦!等你哦~ Yes ok~


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Work: During & After

During work, we are a bunch of crazy competitors, fighting for student enrolment numbers.

After work, we shed our job responsibilities and become friends & great hang out buddies.

We have people from Berjaya, KDU, HELP, The One, KBU, INTI, UCSI, TOC and of course, Taylor's!

We share jokes, news, updates, and everything in the industry that we know of, including job opportunities. xD

And that is one of the reasons I enjoy going outstation, apart from the good food! (Food: credit goes to Mr. Johnny Fung of INTI)

Sunday, December 6, 2009


它叫止痛药,洋名Pain Killer。



You cant make everyone happy.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Me, my tonsil, and the panel doctor

Sorry to disturb you with this grossilicious photo. This is my mouth, deep within, not some other holes in case you wonder!! xD In this photo you can see the end of my tongue, some gigis, my throat opening, the thing hanging there I dunno called what, and my balls... i mean tonsils.

What's bothering me so much is the tonsil on the left with a big * (which is actually my right side tonsil la!). It is as big as my thumb now, super duper swollen. If you ask me how did it happen, I can only answer you, Wa Tak Tau~.

Infection on this stupid little fella has caused me a real bad evening, a bad night sleep, and a jab on my butt to lower my body temperature. It hurts whenever I swallow, liquid or any other forms of food. My neck and lower part of my right ear hurts too if being pressed (which of course I wont go and press myself la!).

Another issue is, how good is your company's panel clinics? Cause mine I tell you, they are few of the worst clinics and doctors I've visited. They asked your situations without even touching you and then ask you to leave. It only took like 3 mins? and a pack of Panadols? Bloody hellicopter!!!

Lucky for me I have a clinic that I usually visit which I give my 98% trust on their qualifications and professionalism.

Ahh what the fish, maybe I should consult an ENT whether my tonsils are 'qualified' to be surgically removed. I don't want to suffer from this once a month. :(

Sorry to 大嘴叔 for ffk-ing you super last minute!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Taylor's Open Day 泰莱开放日


就在我们的Lakeside新校园!(LDP Sunway Toll前转入左边路口)

Lilypie Next Birthday Ticker